
Rabbi Marc Schneier, FFEU, and our Partners Have Secured an Array of Prestigious Awards, including the following:

Honored by the United States as the National Address for Black-Jewish Relations

Honored by the Jewish Agency for Israel for leadership in Muslim-Jewish relations and Gulf-Israel relations

The Kelly Miller Smith Ecumenical Award from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

The NAACP Martin Luther King, Jr. “Measure of A Man Award”

Distinguished Service Award from the City of New York

New York City Council Award for Strengthening Muslim-Jewish relations

Named one of the 50 Most Prominent Jews in the United States by The Forward 

Named one of America’s Top 50 Rabbis by Newsweek Magazine

The Republic of Kazakhstan Senate Official Signing Pen

The Ellis Island Medal of Honor

The Civil Rights Leadership Award in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The New York State Martin Luther King, Jr. Medal

The American Civil Rights Education Services Civil Rights Award

Interfaith Award from the Islamic Center of Long Island and the Jewish Agency

The Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College Inductee

Order of the British Empire Award & the Cultural Champion Award

Children of Abraham Award by the Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue 

The Congress of the World and Traditional Religions Award

Named one of six “outstanding Jewish Americans who have greatly enriched the fabric of American life” by the United States Senate

U.S. Congressional Medal on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Summer