In the News


Jøder og muslimer føler sig trådt på

Berlingske By Theis Engmann Fødevareminister Dan Jørgensen (S) forbød en slagtemetode, som ikke har været anvendt i årevis. Alligevel mødte en delegation af imamer og rabbinere i går op hos ministeren for at gøre opmærksom på deres utilfredshed. En international delegation bestående af jøder og muslimer satte i går fødevareminister Dan Jørgensen (S) i stævne på hans kontor i Fødevareministeriet. De er oprørte over forbuddet mod slagtning uden bedøvelse, som trådte i kraft 17. februar. Ingen slagterier...
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Jews, Muslims criticize Denmark slaughter ban

Washington Jewish Week By Suzanne Pollak A 10-member delegation of Jews and Muslims told the Danish ambassador to the United States that his country’s ban on ritual slaughter has sullied Denmark’s reputation. Rabbi Marc Schneier, president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, led the Feb. 27 delegation in protest of the ban, which went into effect at the end of February. The law outlaws the slaughter of any animal that was not stunned first. This runs contrary to kosher and halal rules. “We...
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Jews and Muslims Push Denmark on Kosher Slaughter

Jewish Daily Forward A joint delegation of observant Muslims and Jews made the case to the Danish ambassador to the United States that his country’s ban on ritual slaughter was harmful to its reputation. Leading the 10-person delegation to meet Peter Taksøe-Jensen on Feb. 27 were Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president for the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and Dr. Sayyid Syeed, the director of the Islamic Society of North America. “One can only wonder if the Danish government is seeking to make...
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Jews and Muslims Push Denmark on Kosher Slaughter

Jewish Daily Forward A joint delegation of observant Muslims and Jews made the case to the Danish ambassador to the United States that his country’s ban on ritual slaughter was harmful to its reputation. Leading the 10-person delegation to meet Peter Taksøe-Jensen on Feb. 27 were Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president for the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and Dr. Sayyid Syeed, the director of the Islamic Society of North America. “One can only wonder if the Danish government is seeking to make...
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Amerikanske muslimer og jøder protesterer over dansk slagteforbud

Berlingske By Michala Rask Mikkelsen En delegation af amerikanske muslimer og jøder mødes torsdag aften med den danske ambassadør i USA for at udtrykke deres bekymring over Danmarks nylige forbud mod religiøs slagtning uden bedøvelse. Torsdag aften dansk tid mødes en delegation af muslimske og jødiske ledere i USA med den danske ambassadør, Peter Taksøe-Jensen, for at udtrykke deres bekymring over Danmarks beslutning om at forbyde religiøs slagtning uden bedøvelse. I spidsen for mødet står organisationen...
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Ukraine’s Muslims: where do they stand on the crisis?

Al Arabiya By Paul Crompton For Ukraine’s Muslims, the ongoing political crisis should not directly affect their 500,000 member community, according to the country’s grand mufti. However, according to observers, a Russia-leaning swing in politics could be “totally suicidal” for Ukrainian Muslims.  The crisis in Ukraine, which reflects the conflict between those who want the country to remain aligned with Russia and those who want closer integration with western Europe, could threaten to split the...
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In the Ukraine Crisis, Don’t Forget the Welfare of the Jewish and Muslim Minorities

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier Back in May 2011, the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, for which I serve as president, co-sponsored an international conference in Kiev together with the Ukrainian Jewish Committee to fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Ukraine and around the world. During the conference, I met many wonderful Jewish and Muslim Ukrainians — many of the latter from the Crimean Tatar community — all of whom told me that despite long and bitter histories of anti-Jewish...
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Jøder og muslimer føler sig trådt påBerlingske

By Theis Engmann Fødevareminister Dan Jørgensen (S) forbød en slagtemetode, som ikke har været anvendt i årevis. Alligevel mødte en delegation af imamer og rabbinere i går op hos ministeren for at gøre opmærksom på deres utilfredshed. En international delegation bestående af jøder og muslimer satte i går fødevareminister Dan Jørgensen (S) i stævne på hans kontor i Fødevareministeriet. De er oprørte over forbuddet mod slagtning uden bedøvelse, som trådte i kraft 17. februar. Ingen slagterier har...
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A Muslim-Jewish Silver Lining in a European Dark Cloud

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier Last week, I had the privilege of leading a delegation of European imams and rabbis to meet with Council of Europe (COE) Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland at COE headquarters in Strasbourg, and to present to him a petition signed by more than 500 European Muslim and Jewish leaders calling for revocation of a recent resolution passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) urging the nation states of Europe to consider banning the circumcision...
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A Muslim-Jewish Silver Lining To A Darkening European Cloud

The Times of Israel By Rabbi Marc Schneier Last week, I had the privilege of leading a delegation of European imams and rabbis to meet with Council of Europe (COE) Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland at COE headquarters in Strasbourg, and to present to him a petition signed by more than 500 European Muslim and Jewish leaders calling for revocation of a recent resolution passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) urging the nation states of Europe to consider banning the...
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