In the News


Imam Shamsi Ali and Rabbi Schneier: Reuniting Muslims and Jews

The Jakarta Post By Hans David Tampubolon The death of a beloved pope is the bridge that connects two men from two worlds tormented with rage, anger, hatred, bloodshed and prejudice. The first man is Imam Shamsi Ali, a Muslim scholar born in Tana Toa, South Sulawesi, in 1967. Growing up, he resented Jews as he was taught as a child that all of them were ‘evil’. ‘Whenever there was a naughty kid, we always called him ‘you Jew brat’,’ Shamsi said during a discussion...
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Muslim dan Yahudi di New York AS "Saling Membela"

BBC Umat Muslim dan Yahudi di New York AS sejak lama saling mencurigai dan berprasangka, tetapi selama tujuh tahun terakhir, hubungan antar umat Muslim dan Yahudi mengalami perubahan besar, menjadi lebih baik, bahkan saling membela satu sama lain. Imam Shamsi Ali, seorang imam asal Tana Toa Sulawesi yang bermukim di New York, dan pemuka agama Yahudi yang berpengaruh Rabi Marc Schneier telah bekerja sama menggelar pertemuan para rabi dan imam di New York pada 2007 lalu, dengan tujuan agar saling memahami....
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Diskusi "Mencari Titik Temu Yahudi-Islam”

Satu Harapan By Tunggul Tauladan YOGYAKARTA, SATUHARAPAN.COM – Stigma buruk tentang agama orang lain seringkali menghinggapi pemikiran seseorang. Perseteruan Yahudi dengan Islam menjadi contoh nyata kasus yang hingga hari ini masih jamak diperbincangkan. Islam menganggap Yahudi sebagai pihak yang menjadi musuh. Hal yang sama berlaku pula bagi Yahudi yang menganggap Islam pantas untuk dibinasakan dengan alasan teroris. Perseteruan Yahudi vs Islam ini terus menerus diturunkan dari generasi ke...
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‘Twinning’ event centers on desire for peace

New Jersey Jewish News By Robert Wiener Local Muslims say violence based on religious doctrine is ‘un-Islamic’ Eight thousand miles away from a part of the world where violent confrontations between Muslims and Jews occur on a near-daily basis, a roomful of people from both religions gathered at a mosque to discuss what they perceive to have in common. The Nov. 5 event at the Islamic Center of Morris County in Rockaway was called “The Concept of Peace in Islam and Judaism.” It brought together Ali...
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Women gather to build alliances for peace

New Jersey Jewish News At a time when relations between American Muslims and Jews have been strained by increased conflict in the Middle East, more than 100 women of both faith communities gathered at Temple University in Philadelphia on Nov. 2 with the aim of declaring solidarity with each other. The Muslim-Jewish Women’s Leadership Conference was cosponsored by the Sisterhood of Salaam-Shalom, the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and the Dialogue Institute of Temple University. About 15 women...
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Standing Together for Crimean Tartars

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Mohammed Khan As an American Jewish and an American Muslim leader dedicated to the principle that Muslims and Jews should stand up for each other whenever the rights of members of either community are violated anywhere in the world, we are speaking out together against the ever-intensifying campaign of intimidation and punishment against the Crimean Tatars that has been underway ever since Russia invaded seized and annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine...
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Muslim Mep Calls on European Jews to Halt Flight

The Jerusalem Post By Sam Sokol MEP Afzal Khan, a Pakistan-born Muslim who represents northwest England in Brussels, said that Jews should not give up on Europe despite rises in anti-Semitism in recent years. European Jews should halt their flight and work with local Muslims to solve the issues facing their communities, a Muslim member of the European Parliament told The Jerusalem Post over the weekend. MEP Afzal Khan, a Pakistan-born Muslim who represents northwest England, said Jews should not...
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Standing Together for Crimean Tartars

In their latest column, Rabbi Marc Schneier and Mohammed Khan speak out together against the ever-intensifying campaign of intimidation and punishment against the Crimean Tatars that has been underway ever since Russia invaded seized and annexed the Crimean peninsula
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Muslim, Jewish leaders gather to denounce anti-Semitism, Islamophobia

The Nation A gathering of Muslim and Jewish leaders took place in the European Parliament on Monday to denounce Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all other forms of bigotry. The gathering, organized by Afzal Khan MEP in conjunction with the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, was called in response to the searing clashes that took place over the Summer between Muslims and Jews in light of the Israeli – Gaza conflict.  The title of the event ‘We refuse to be Enemies’ was the core message of the gathering...
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Can Jews and Muslims get along? 60 imams and rabbis meet in Washington to try

The Washington Post By Lauren Markoe Frustrated by dangerously high tensions between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land, 60 imams and rabbis gathered Sunday (Nov. 23) to hatch concrete plans to bridge the gulf between their communities, minus the kumbaya. The “2014 Summit of Washington Area Imams and Rabbis,” its organizers hope, will be the first of many such gatherings of Jewish and Muslim clergy in cities across the U.S. After prayers and a kosher-halal lunch at a Washington synagogue, the clergy...
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