In the News


On Public Transport: Support Free Speech, Not Hate Speech

HuffPost By Rabbi Marc Schneier I am a strong supporter of the right to free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a principle which is at the very heart of the liberties we enjoy in America. Nevertheless, I applaud the April 28 decision by the Board of the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) to ban all political advertising on its buses and subways, rather than accede to a U.S. District judge’s irresponsible ruling that the MTA must allow an inflammatory...
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On Public Transport: Support Free Speech, Not Hate Speech

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier I am a strong supporter of the right to free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a principle which is at the very heart of the liberties we enjoy in America. Nevertheless, I applaud the April 28 decision by the Board of the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) to ban all political advertising on its buses and subways, rather than accede to a U.S. District judge’s irresponsible ruling that the MTA must allow an inflammatory...
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Muslims DO Speak Out, We’re Just Not Listening

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier April 6, 2015 On a February evening in Oslo, Norway more than 1,000 Muslims formed a ‘Ring of Peace’ around the Oslo Synagogue, thereby offering symbolic protection to the Norwegian Jewish community and making clear their utter rejection of the terrorist attack the previous weekend by an Islamist extremist on the main synagogue in the Danish capital of Copenhagen. As the Muslims guarding the synagogue chanted “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia,” and linked...
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EU Rights Conference to Give Equal Billing to Anti-Semitism, Anti-Muslim Hatred

The Jerusalem Post By Sam Sokol Jewish organizations say that anti-Semitism is distinct from other types of discrimination, should not be conflated with other issues. Jewish organizations worldwide expressed shock and dismay over the weekend following the announcement that the European Commission is planning on holding a conference that implies an equivalence between anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. The first annual colloquium on fundamental rights in the EU, held by the commission and titled “Tolerance...
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Muslims and Jews Must Speak out When Christians are Attacked

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali As Christians all over the world mark one of the holiest days of their religious calendar, the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) and the Nusantara Foundation applaud efforts toward communication, reconciliation and cooperation among all faiths. We are deeply concerned about the wholesale violation of the rights of Christians in many parts of the world. Killings of Christians in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Nigeria and acts of vandalism...
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Muslims DO Speak Out, We’re Just Not Listening

 The Times of Israel By Rabbi Marc Schneier On a February evening in Oslo, Norway more than 1,000 Muslims formed a ‘Ring of Peace’ around the Oslo Synagogue, thereby offering symbolic protection to the Norwegian Jewish community and making clear their utter rejection of the terrorist attack the previous weekend by an Islamist extremist on the main synagogue in the Danish capital of Copenhagen. As the Muslims guarding the synagogue chanted “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia,” and linked arms...
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A New Paradigm for Muslim-Jewish Dialogue

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier Originally published in The New York Jewish Week At least we are finally beginning to understand what we are up against. As the war in Gaza has taken its toll and the U.S. conducts a sustained bombing campaign against ISIS in northern Iraq to save the Kurds, the battle lines in the Middle East are clearly drawn. On one side are Islamist fundamentalist, jihadist and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al Qaeda;...
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Netanyahu Must Take a Page From Sadat

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier This article originally appeared in the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) which is a wire service for Jewish media. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is correct to describe a new proposal by the Arab League to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks as “a very big step forward.” Yet there will be no serious movement toward peace until Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds to the Arab League initiative by evoking the words of the late Egyptian leader...
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A Failure To See Why Jerusalem Matters to the Other: Muslims and Jews Need To Understand Each Other’s Faith

Huffington Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier Originally published in The Jewish Daily Forward 12/01/2014 Muslims and Jews around the world are today facing a fearsome specter, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is increasingly turning into a war between our two religions. To prevent a global conflagration that would be a disaster for both faiths and the entire world, we must urgently create forums for Muslims and Jews to connect with each other, with each of us sharing basic facts about our own faith...
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L.A.’s Jews and Muslims partner in ‘twinning’ events

Jewish Journal By Ryan Torok When Jews and Muslims came together for a “twinning” event on Nov. 16, the Pico Union Project was filled with jamming, rapping, rhetoric, dancing and more. “It’s the only way we will ever find peace — through the arts and dialogue. So this is a really good start,” Genie Benson, Keshet Chaim Dance Ensemble executive director, told the Journal. As she spoke, IKAR Chazzan Hillel Tigay’s band played, and dancing attendees — approximately 400 people turned out — swarmed the...
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