In the News


‘Stronger together’

New Jersey Jewish News By Michele Alperin Jewish and Muslim women find common ground at Salaam Shalom conference With its core value of building one-to-one relationships that will change the world, the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom challenged each of the 500 Muslim and Jewish women at its 2016 national conference at Drew University in Madison to personally assume responsibility for building a different future. Inspirational talks from interfaith and social activists; smaller workshops focusing on skill-building,...
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In the Trump era, imams and rabbis seek a common strategy to counter anti-Muslim hostility

Jewish Telegraphic Agency By Ron Kampeas Washington – A year ago, when several dozen Washington-area Jewish and Muslim religious and lay leaders jostled for spots in a group picture, the mood was convivial. The most novel item on the agenda for that November 2015 confab was bringing in non-Middle Eastern Muslims into the Jewish-Muslim dialogue. The meeting and the venue — an Indonesian-American Muslim center in Silver Spring, Maryland — helped “dispel the myth that Muslims are inherently of Middle...
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Both Feeling Threatened, American Muslims and Jews Join Hands

The New York Times By Laurie Goodstein NORTH BRUNSWICK, N.J. — Jolted into action by a wave of hate crimes that followed the election victory of Donald J. Trump, American Muslims and Jews are banding together in a surprising new alliance. They are putting aside for now their divisions over Israel to join forces to resist whatever may come next. New groups are forming, and interfaith coalitions that already existed say interest is increasing. Vaseem Firdaus, a Muslim who has lived in the United States...
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Ellison Pushes Back As Critics Press Attacks

The Jewish Week By Stewert Ain Schumer’s pick for top DNC post defends his Israel record in Jewish Week interview. Keith Ellison, the Minnesota congressman seeking to become chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is pushing back against critics who claim he has ties to radical anti-Israel and anti-Semitic groups. “I have always been a fierce fighter against anti-Semitism,” he told The Jewish Week in an exclusive interview. “I oppose it and always have.” Similarly, he said, he has supported...
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Keith Ellison’s ascent signals the Democrats’ willingness to redefine ‘pro-Israel’

Jewish Telegraphic Agency By Ron Kampeas Washington – The most shocking thing about talk of Keith Ellison’s Israel record as he rises within the Democratic Party is how few think it’s shocking. Rep. Ellison, D-Minn., is a leading contender for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee, despite a record of tough criticism of Israel that pro-Israel insiders say would easily have disqualified him a decade ago. A supporter of the two-state solution and a frequent visitor to Israel, he also...
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Right-wing critics take aim at Keith Ellison’s Israel record, Jewish left-wingers rally to his defense

Jewish Telegraphic Agency Washington – Keith Ellison is facing mounting attacks from the pro-Israel right wing as the first Muslim congressman is positioned to lead the Democratic Party. And left-wing Jewish groups are rushing to his defense. The Zionist Organization of America, in a release this week, noted Ellison’s role in drafting a congressional letter following the 2009 Gaza War urging the Obama administration to press Israel to loosen its blockade on Gaza. (The letter also noted that security...
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A Prayer For Donald Trump And America, From An Old Friend

HuffPost By Russell Simmons I have known Donald Trump for nearly thirty years. He has been a real friend. He has been in my home, my office and I have been in his. While I vigorously campaigned against his presidential candidacy, he won the election and I hope he hears these words. Donald, congratulations on becoming our next president of the United States. While almost everyone in this country doubted that you could win, you believed in yourself and pulled off one of the greatest upsets in political...
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Spread Hummus, Not Hate: A Call for Peace

Moment Magazine By Marissa Fox The stickers read “Spread Hummus, Not Hate.” On the American University quad Oct. 20, people wore them as a reminder that we all have a part in conflict resolution. The event was run by the Greater Washington Muslim-Jewish Forum, which ties together Muslim and Jewish activists, and co-sponsored by a collection of religious and academic groups. Throughout the day, advocates and chaplains alike spoke about the trials and tribulations involved with furthering peace between...
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Students and faith groups pledge ‘to stand up for the other’

New Jersey Jewish News By Debra Rubin Campus, state, and religious leaders stood up at Rutgers University to support each other against a torrent of hateful actions against religious and ethnic communities triggered by fears of terrorism and a divisive election season. The Stand Up for the Other Rally, held Nov. 1 at the Douglass College Center in New Brunswick, concluded with the words...
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The Spread Hummus not Hate rally bridges gaping interfaith divides, soothes election season tensions

HuffPost By Patrick Burnett October 27, 2016 The 2016 presidential campaign has left many Americans shaken to their very core. More than half of Americans have reported this election being, at minimum, “a somewhat significant source of stress.” Meanwhile, women who have come forth recounting sexual assaults committed by one of the candidates are now being both insulted and threatened with lawsuits in retaliation. Young Muslims children have even suffered nightmares aboutone of the candidates taking...
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