In the News


Russell Simmons Talks to MG About Islamophobia, Muslim Women’s Day and the Media

Muslim Girl By Amani Al- Khatahtbeh In the spirit of our first-ever Muslim Women’s Day, I had the opportunity to have a conversation about Islamophobia and media misrepresentation with music mogul, entrepreneur, author, activist, and philanthropist Russell Simmons. Uncle Rush is the chairman of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, a partner on our #MuslimWomensDay campaign and the organization behind Muslims Are Speaking Out. Much like #MuslimWomensDay, MASO is an online campaign that Russell...
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Turning Off and Tuning Out on Top of the World

The Village Voice By Lily Koppel Jesse Israel, 32, who has already gone through a few incarnations in New York, including managing the popular band MGMT while still a sophomore at NYU, began suffering from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks in his early twenties. “I was having an identity crisis,” he said on Sunday, a few hours before eleven hundred people showed up to 1 World Trade Center for his event, “the first ever mass meditation atop the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.” Tickets...
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Un dimanche de rencontre dans une synagogue parisienne entre jeunes musulmans et jeunes juifs français

Bondy Blog En Partenariat Avec By Yousra Gouja A l’occasion de Pessah, des jeunes Français musulmans et juifs ont passé une matinée riche en échanges dans une synagogue du 15ème arrondissement de Paris grâce au programme Sadaqa-Tsedaka de la Fondation for Ethnic Understanding. Le Bondy Blog y était. Reportage. Il est 10h et déjà, dans la grande salle de la synagogue Beaugrenelle dans le 15ème arrondissement de Paris, plusieurs tables à nappes blanches sont dressées, couvertes de plateaux du Séder,...
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À Sevran, juifs et musulmans au secours des sans-abris

Respect Magazine By Mounir Belhidaoui Non loin de Saint-Denis, à Sevran (93), juifs et musulmans dialoguent via une cause commune: la générosité. Pour cela, cette petite bande prépare des recettes pour nourrir les sans-abris. La petite commune de Sevran prouve que les religions sont un terreau de solidarité. De jeunes gens de confession juive et musulmane ont décidé d’unir leur force pour venir en aide aux sans-abris… en préparant des repas ! L’occasion, pendant la confection des plats, d’en apprendre...
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Sevran: jeunes juifs et musulmans œuvrent ensemble pour les sans-abri

Le Parisien « Bonheur et sourire », « SDF et partage ». En deux mots, Selma et Sanou, jeunes filles musulmanes de Sevran, décrivent la matinée qu’elles ont passée, ce dimanche, avec des adolescents parisiens de confession juive. Ensemble, ils ont préparé des repas, distribués ensuite à des sans-abri par le groupe Coexister Montreuil. Un rendez-vous organisé par la Fondation pour la compréhension interculturelle (la Foundation for ethnic understanding fondée en 1989 aux Etats-Unis). « L’objectif,...
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‘I am a Muslim too’ immigrations rallies held around US

Al Arabiya English reports on the “I Am A Muslim Too” event that was held in Times Square and was organized by several groups, including the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding
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New Yorker’s Gather for ‘Today I am a Muslim too’ Rally

Pakistan Today New Yorkers by the thousand, representing myriad backgrounds and faiths, converged on Times Square on Sunday to participate in the ‘Today I am a Muslim too’ rally. People came out to show solidarity with Muslims and denounce anti-Muslim rhetoric promoted by the US President Trump following executive orders that stopped refugees and travellers from seven-Muslim majority countries to enter the US. The demonstrators — many of them hoisting placards featuring a woman in an American flag...
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Hundreds Demonstrate in Solidarity with Muslims at “I am a Muslim too” Rally

NY1 By Bobby Cuza New Yorkers of different faiths came together in Times Square on Sunday for a Muslim solidarity rally intended to send a message to the White House. NY1’s Bobby Cuza has the story. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Muslims descended on Times Square on Sunday — but that wasn’t so much the point; it was the legions of New Yorkers representing other religions —Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism — who turned out in support under the banner: “I Am A Muslim Too.” “I...
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De Blasio attends ‘I Am a Muslim Too’ rally

New York Post By Khristina Narizhnaya and Michael Gartland Some 2,000 people protested President Trump’s travel ban Sunday at a Times Square rally that featured Mayor de Blasio, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, and Chelsea Clinton. The “Today, I Am a Muslim Too” rally took direct aim at Trump voters in middle America who Simmons hopes will “question their government.” “We are here to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intentions, that they have been misled,”...
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Chelsea Clinton and Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Join "Today, I Am A Muslim Too" Solidarity Protest in NYC

Glamour By Kelsey Lafferty It’s been another weekend of protests, with crowds rallying across the U.S. in solidarity with Muslims and protesting Trump’s immigration and refugee policies, including the executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. And in New York City, where 1,000 people gathered Sunday afternoon in Times Square for the “Today, I Am A Muslim Too” protest, a famous face (and a smaller one) could be seen: In the crowd was Chelsea Clinton with...
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