In the News


Kazakhstan’s Unique Story of Building Interfaith Dialogue and Co-existence Must Be Told, Says US Rabbi

The Astana Times By Aibarshyn Akhmetkali September 22, 2022 ASTANA – With rising geopolitical confrontations around the world, the seventh Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions that took place in Astana on Sept. 14-15 could not have been more timely. Attended by high-level religious leaders, such as Pope Francis and Grand Imam of al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the congress claimed to be a major interfaith event. A week past the congress, it is time to reflect on the larger importance...
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Марк Шнайер:«Евреям повезло, что они живут в такой толерантной стране, как Азербайджан»

Stegmi Media Group Azerbaijan September 23, 2022 Rabbi Marc Schneier Интервью СТМЭГИ с президентом Фонда этнического взаимопонимания (ФЭВ), американским раввином Марком Шнайером. – Недавно вы посетили Азербайджан. Скажите, пожалуйста, с чем был связан ваш визит? – Я считаю Баку своим вторым домом. Я бываю в Азербайджане 2-3 раза в году. У меня особые близкие отношения с Президентом Ильхамом Алиевым, с многими министрами. Я выступаю во многих межрелигиозных, межкультурных конференциях....
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In a rarity, Azerbaijan, a Muslim-majority republic, hosts Jewish festival with global reach (from JTA)

Cleveland Jewish News (article from JTA – The Jewish Telegraphic) By Barry Luxner September 20, 2022   BAKU, Azerbaijan — It’s a Muslim country that’s friendly toward Jews. It has an ancient culture virtually free of antisemitism that also boasts the world’s only all-Jewish mountain village outside of Israel. And it has a young population of Jews eager to learn about Jewish history and traditions. Welcome to Azerbaijan, which on Sept. 11 became the first Muslim-majority country ever to...
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In a rarity, Azerbaijan, a Muslim-majority republic, hosts Jewish festival with global reach

JTA – The Jewish Telegraphic By Barry Luxner September 20, 2022 BAKU, Azerbaijan — It’s a Muslim country that’s friendly toward Jews. It has an ancient culture virtually free of antisemitism that also boasts the world’s only all-Jewish mountain village outside of Israel. And it has a young population of Jews eager to learn about Jewish history and traditions. Welcome to Azerbaijan, which on Sept. 11 became the first Muslim-majority country ever to host a Limmud FSU conference, a learning event...
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A First: Jewish learning conference in Muslim country

Israel National News – Arutz Sheva September 18, 2022 First-ever conference of Jewish learning in a Muslim country draws hundreds. Conference participants in Baku (credit: Malishev Emin) “A Jew starts his day by giving thanks for being alive,” said New York-based rabbi, Marc Schneier, a leader in promoting religious and ethnic tolerance, dialogue and cooperation in intergroup and racial relations, in his opening remarks on a session that discussed Azerbaijan’s unique role in nurturing the relations...
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Leaders musulmans et juifs en faveur du dialogue interconfessionnel au Kazakhstan

i24News 16 septembre, 2022 AP Photo/Alexander ZemlianichenkoLe grand rabbin ashkénaze d’Israël David Lau à côté du pape François, lors du Congrès inter-religieux au Kazakhstan, le 15 septembre 2022  Le grand rabbin David Lau a discuté avec le grand imam égyptien d’al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb Lors du Congrès inter-religieux au Kazakhstan, le dialogue judéo-musulman était au rendez-vous. Cette grande conférence interconfessionnelle, la septième à se tenir dans la capitale kazakhe Nur-Sultan,...
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Muslim, Jewish leaders work for interfaith dialogue in Kazakhstan

i24News September 15, 2022 AP Photo/Alexander ZemlianichenkoAshkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau (L) delivers his speech flanked by Pope Francis during the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, on September 15, 2022. ‘Would like to say out loud the things we are able to say between us,’ Rabbi Lau tells Grand Imam of al-Azhar At the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan,...
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Kazakhstan: Jewish Rabbi upholds role of religions in promoting peace (from Vatican News)

Herald Malaysia online (article from Vatican News) By Benedict Mayaki, SJ & Deborah Castellano Lubov September 15, 2022 American-born Rabbi Marc Schneier, the President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and a participant at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, underscores the importance of religion in peace-building and speaks against imposing religious beliefs on others. Participants at the opening and plenary session of the 7th Congress of the leaders...
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Kazakhstan: Jewish Rabbi upholds role of religions in promoting peace

Vatican News By Benedict Mayaki, SJ & Deborah Castellano Lubov September 14, 2022 American-born Rabbi Marc Schneier, the President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and a participant at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, underscores the importance of religion in peace-building and speaks against imposing religious beliefs on others. Participants at the opening and plenary session of the 7th Congress of the leaders of world and traditional religions in Kazakhstan...
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Biden will announce early Israel-Saudi normalization moves, officials say

Ynet By: Itamar Eichner July 13, 2022 During Biden visit, Riyadh could announce it will allow Israeli flights to Far East using kingdom’s airspace and Israeli Muslims to arrive for holy pilgrimage on indirect flights U.S. President Joe Biden, who will arrive in Israel Wednesday afternoon, will launch initial moves toward normalizing relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Israeli officials said on Wednesday. Such a step would likely see Riyadh allowing Israeli commercial flights to use...
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