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Países árabes establecerán relaciones oficiales con Israel en 2019

Elintelecto Diciembre 31, 2018 Un rabino que ejerce como asesor especial del rey de Baréin asegura que varios países árabes establecerán lazos oficiales con Israel en el año 2019. Marc Schneier, un rabino estadounidense, aseguró el lunes en una entrevista concedida al rotativo israelí The Times of Israel que varios países árabes establecerán, en el año 2019, lazos oficiales con Israel. “Hay un compromiso y deseo para establecer relaciones con Israel. Yo predigo que esto (el establecimiento de lazos...
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U.S. rabbi: Jews can be bridge between Muslims and Evangelicals

Rabbi Marc Schneier was interviewed by The Jerusalem Post about the role that the Jewish community can play bringing together Muslims and Evangelical Christians, as well as the FFEU's upcoming mission bringing top Evangelical leaders to Azerbaijan.
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New York Hot Dog Rabbi to Make Qatar Kosher for World Cup

Bloomberg recently spoke with Rabbi Marc Schneier about his involvement with the Qataris to offer Kosher food to accommodate Jewish visitors attending the World Cup 2022.
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Rabino Schneier prevé impulso relación de Israel con países del Golfo en 2019

In a recent conversation with EFE, the largest Spanish Global News Agency, Rabbi Marc Schneier shared that there has been significant progress between Israel and the Gulf States.
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Top 10 events impacting Muslim-Jewish relations in 2018

In a recent Op-ed for The Times of Israel, Rabbi Marc Schneier discussed the most significant events in Muslim-Jewish relations which took place in 2018.
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US Syria withdrawal may speed up Arab-Israeli detente, well-connected rabbi says

The Times Of Israel By Raphael Ahren 24 December 2018, 3:10 pm Marc Schneier, who this month was named a ‘special adviser’ to the king of Bahrain, predicts a Netanyahu visit to Manama as early as January Rabbi Marc Schneier (left) with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir (courtesy The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding) The withdrawal of US troops from Syria has the potential to warm Israel’s ties with the Sunni Arab states, a prominent American rabbi and interfaith activist with extensive ties...
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Gli sceicchi dialogano con Israele

La Stampa By Maurizio Molinari December 2, 2018 Benjamin Netanyahu è accolto dal Sultano dell’Oman, le note dell’«Hatikwa» vengono suonate negli Emirati, l’Arabia Saudita si protegge con tecnologia israeliana, il sovrano del Bahrein invita ministri dello Stato ebraico e il Qatar si accorda con Gerusalemme per inviare ingenti aiuti alla Striscia di Gaza: quanto avvenuto nell’ultimo mese dimostra che la novità in Medio Oriente è lo scongelamento dei rapporti fra le monarchie del Golfo e Israele. Si...
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Rabbi Marc Schneier: Humanity Must Evolve from Loving Your Neighbor to Loving the Stranger

FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier's interview with Al-Majalla regarding his work through the lens of a Q&A.
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Jinn : 5 Things to Know About the Groundbreaking Indie Film—and Its Ava DuVernay-Approved Director Nijla Mu'min

Rabbi Marc Schneier and FFEU executive produced Jinn, a film about a 17-year old girl growing up as an African-American Muslim.
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Peace treaty between Bahrain and Israel anticipated next year

FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier was quoted in the article for his forecast that he expects Israel to establish diplomatic relations with Gulf countries by the end of next year.
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