In the News

Christianity Today

Evangelicals Who Distrust Muslims Likely Don’t Know Muslims

Christianity Today By Jayson Casper September 12, 2019 A 2019 survey shows how relationships curb Islamophobia and improve understanding between the two faiths. Earlier this week, a Baptist church in Michigan canceled an event titled, “9/11 Forgotten? Is Michigan Surrendering to Islam?” due to pushback from fellow Christians and politicians. The pastor of Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church identifies as an Islamophobe and organized the gathering because he sees Islam as a growing threat in the US,...
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Hamas denying a chance for Goldins to bury their son is Antisemitism

Rabbi Marc Schneier & Elan Carr Agree: Refusal by Hamas To Return Hadar Goldin's Remains For Burial Is Blatant Antisemitism
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Rabbiner und Moslem als «Kinder Abrahams» geehrt

Tachles By Andreas Mink August 27, 2019 Preisverleihung in Rimini. Vergangene Woche hat die «Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue» als Teil der EU-Kulturbehörden ihren «Children of Abraham»-Preis verliehen. Geehrt wurden der New Yorker Rabbiner Marc Schneier als Repräsentant der «Foundation for Ethnic Understanding» (FFEU) und Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa, Generalsekretär der «Muslim World League». Die Preisverleihung fand an der 40. Jahrestagung des von der Florence...
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NY Rabbi, Head of Muslim World League Receive 'Children of Abraham' Award

The Jerusalem Post August 24, 2019 “With antisemitism and Islamophobia on the rise in Europe, it is more important than ever before that Muslims and Jews come together” Rabbi Marc Schneier and Head of the Muslim World League awarded the “Children of Abraham” award. (photo credit: STEINREICH COMMUNICATIONS) NEW YORK – The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding’s (FFEU) Rabbi Marc Schneier and the Muslim World League’s Secretary General Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa were awarded the “Children of Abraham” award...
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New York Rabbi and Muslim World League leader share Global Interreligious Award

The Arab Daily News By Ray Hanania August 23, 2019 FFEUs Rabbi Marc Schneier and Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdul Karim al-Issa receive “Children of Abraham” Award from Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in New York The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding’s (FFEU) Rabbi Marc Schneier and the Muslim World League’s Secretary General Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa were awarded the “Children of Abraham” award by the Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and...
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global diaspora

20 Jewish Organizations Urge Under Secretary of Treasury to Impose Targeted Sanctions against Burmese Military – American Jewish World Service

Global Diaspora News August 22, 2019 AJWS and the Jewish Rohingya Justice Network* call for swift action by the Department of Treasury to hold Burmese military accountable 20 Jewish organizational leaders, representing the Jewish Rohingya Justice Network, called on Under Secretary of the Treasury Sigal Mandelker to pursue justice and accountability for the Rohingya people and all ethnic minorities in Burma. Rori Kramer, Director of Government Affairs for American Jewish World Service (AJWS), the...
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Judische Allgemeine

Preis für jüdisch‐muslimischen Dialog

Judische Allgemeine August 21, 2019 Angesichts von wachsendem Antisemitismus und Islamophobie sei Austausch wichtiger denn je Ausgezeichnet: der amerikanische Rabbiner Marc Schneier Foto: dpa Für ihr Engagement im muslimisch‐jüdischen Dialog sind der Vorsitzende der »Stiftung für ethnische Verständigung« (FFEU), US‐Rabbiner Marc Schneier, und der Generalsekretär der Islamischen Weltliga und ehemalige saudische Justizminister, Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al‐Issa, mit dem »Kinder‐Abrahams‐Preis« der »Florenz...
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Arutz Sheva

Rabbi, head of Muslim World League share award

Arutz Sheva August 21, 2019 FFEU’s Rabbi Marc Schneier and Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa awarded “Children of Abraham” award. The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding’s (FFEU) Rabbi Marc Schneier and the Muslim World League’s Secretary General Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa on Wednesday were awarded the “Children of Abraham” award by the Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue at the 40th annual Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples. The award was created for...
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Rimini, al Meeting Gnassi rende omaggio al Rabbino Marc Shneider e a Mohammad Alissa della Lega musulmana mondiale

ChiamamiCitta Redazione 20 Ago 2019 Meeting: Il Sindaco Gnassi rende omaggio al Rabbino Marc Shneider, presidente della Fondazione per la Comprensione Etnica di New York, e al Segretario della Lega musulmana mondiale, Mohammad Alissa. Dialogo tra religioni e promozione di comunità solidali e inclusive. Il Sindaco di Rimini Andrea Gnassi, questo pomeriggio, ha voluto essere presente alla cerimonia di conferimento dell’attestato di merito “Figli di Abramo” che si è tenuta all’interno del progamma...
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Meeting: Il Sindaco Gnassi rende omaggio al Rabbino Marc Schneier, presidente della Fondazione per la Comprensione Etnica di New York, e al Segretario della Lega musulmana mondiale, Mohammad Alissa

20 Agosto 2019 Dialogo tra religioni e promozione di comunità solidali e inclusive. Il Sindaco di Rimini Andrea Gnassi, questo pomeriggio, ha voluto essere presente alla cerimonia di conferimento dell’attestato di merito “Figli di Abramo” che si è tenuta all’interno del progamma del Meeting per l’amicizia tra i popoli. [foogallery id=”7765″] L’attestato “Figli di Abramo” è conferito dalla Scuola Fiorentina di Dialogo a quei leader spirituali che dedicano la loro vita alla...
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