In the News

Deutsche Welle

Líderes musulmanes visitan Auschwitz en "fuerte señal" de apoyo interreligioso

Deutsche Welle (Spanish) By Christopher Starck January 20, 2020 Hasta la fecha, solo unos pocos musulmanes han visitado el antiguo campo de concentración de Auschwitz-Birkenau. Ahora, representantes musulmanes y judíos de alto rango realizarán una visita conjunta. En 2013, el líder del grupo parlamentario socialdemócrata de Berlín, Raed Saleh, visitó el sitio conmemorativo de Auschwitz-Birkenau con un grupo de alumnos. El hecho de que Saleh, quien nació en Cisjordania y llegó a Alemania cuando tenía...
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Deutsche Welle

Tokoh Islam Peringati Holocaust di Kamp Auschwitz

Deutsche Welle (Malaysian) By Christopher Starck January 20, 2020 Tokoh Islam bergandeng tangan dengan pemimpin Yahudi memperingati 75 tahun pembebasan kamp konsentrasi Auschwitz. Salah seorangnya adalah bekas menteri kehakiman Arab Saudi dan Sekjen Liga Muslim Dunia, Syeikh al-Eissa. Seorang muslim berdoa bersama penganut Yahudi di Kamp Konsentrasi Auschwitz-Birkenau. Pada 2013 seorang politisi partai sosial demokrat Jerman bernama Raed Saleh mengunjungi kamp Auschwitz-Birkenau dengan sekelompok...
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Menteri Saudi terima kunjungan rabbi

Albalad By Faisal Assegaf January 20, 2020 Rabbi Schneier mengungkapkan kegirangannya bisa merayakan Shabbat di Saudi untuk pertama kali. Menteri Luar Negeri Arab Saudi Pangeran Faisal bin Farhan bertemu Rabbi Marc Schneier dari New York, Amerika Serikat. Pertemuan ini berlangsung di kantornya di Ibu Kota Riyadh, Arab Saudi, 16 Januari 2020. (Twitter) Menteri Luar Negeri Arab Saudi Pangeran Faisal bin Farhan Kamis pekan lalu menerima kunjungan Rabbi Marc Schneier asal New York, Amerika Serikat, di...
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Tokoh Islam Peringati Holocaust di Kamp Auschwitz By Christopher Starck January 20, 2020 Tokoh Islam bergandeng tangan dengan pemimpin Yahudi memperingati 75 tahun pembebasan kamp konsentrasi Auschwitz. Salah seorangnya adalah bekas menteri kehakiman Arab Saudi dan Sekjen Liga Muslim Dunia, Syeikh al-Eissa. Pada 2013 seorang politisi partai sosial demokrat Jerman bernama Raed Saleh mengunjungi kamp Auschwitz-Birkenau dengan sekelompok pelajar. Saleh, anggota parlemen kota Berlin kala itu, dilahirkan di Palestina dan baru bermigrasi ke...
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Yeshiva World News

Rabbi Marc Schneier Meets With Saudi Foreign Minister, Spends Shabbos In Riyadh [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Yeshiva World News January 19, 2020 Rabbi Marc Schneier of the Hampton Synagogue met with the Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister last week, and spent Shabbos in Riyadh. Schneier is the founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, originally to rebuild the historic Black-Jewish alliance in the United States and for the past 15 years, to build Muslim-Jewish relations globally, and has met with many Gulf State leaders. In an interview with Ynet, Schneier said he predicts that Baharain will be the...
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Deutsche Welle

Muslim world leaders visit Auschwitz in 'strong signal' of interfaith support

Deutsche Welle By Christoph Strack January 19, 2020 Few Muslims have visited the notorious site of some of history’s worst atrocities. But high-ranking leaders of Muslim and Jewish communities are coming together to mark 75 years since the extermination camp’s liberation. In 2013, the leader of Berlin’s Social Democratic parliamentary group, Raed Saleh, visited the Auschwitz Birkenau memorial site with a group of pupils. The fact that Saleh, who was born in the West Bank and came...
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Saudi Press agency

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Receives President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding

Saudi Press Agency January 15, 2020 Riyadh, Jan 15, 2020, SPA — Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Member of the Cabinet Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir received at his office here today President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding Marc Schneier. During the meeting, they reviewed efforts to achieve coexistence of people of different religions and cultures in addition to the Kingdom’s support for all efforts exerted to achieve security, peace and coexistence. Click here to read...
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Saudi Press agency

Foreign Minister Receives President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding

Saudi Press Agency January 15, 2020 Riyadh, Jan 15, 2020, SPA – Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, received at his office here today President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding Marc Schneier. During the meeting, Prince Faisal stressed the importance of promoting common human values ​​among people of different religions and cultures in a way that achieves the principle of coexistence and respect for cultural diversity, which is a basis for promoting...
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New York Jewish Week

In Wake Of Anti-Semitic Attacks, New Bail Law Seen As Too Lenient

New York Jewish Week By Stewart Ain January 8, 2020 In the search for solutions to a spike in anti-Semitic attacks around the city, some have begun challenging a new bail law that eliminates pretrial detention for misdemeanor and nonviolent felony suspects. Following violent attacks on Jewish victims in Brooklyn and a bloody home invasion in Monsey, top officials, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, appear open to modifying the new law to allow for bail...
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Por Israel

El llamado a una lucha conjunta de judíos y afroamericanos contra el antisemitismo

Por Israel January 7, 2020 Entrevistamos al Rabino Marc Schneier, que instaló alianza con el Rev. Al Sharpton Rabino Marc Schneier: «Cuando la comunidad afroamericana nos precisó porque luchaban por sus derechos civiles, los judíos los ayudamos. Hoy que nuestros derechos civiles son violados, precisamos que ellos nos ayuden a nosotros. Hoy los precisamos a ellos. No podemos lograrlo solos». En el marco del aumento generalizado de la cantidad de incidentes antisemitas en diferentes partes del mundo,...
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