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Times of Israel

Le roi saoudien reçoit un rabbin israélien au palais royal – une première

Times of Israel (French) By Raphael Ahren February 24, 2020 David Rosen, invité à Ryad dans le cadre d’une réunion interconfessionnelle, salue ce “moment révolutionnaire” ; mais dit que la question palestinienne reste un “plafond de verre” Pour la première fois de l’histoire des temps modernes, un rabbin a rencontré le monarque saoudien à Ryad la semaine dernière. Le roi Salmane Ben Abdel Aziz a reçu au palais royal le rabbin David Rosen, basé à Jérusalem – signe du...
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Spread of a disease is no excuse to target particular communities

China Daily By Harvey Morris February 19, 2020 In the late 1950s, I was among the countless number across the world who fell prey to a global pandemic of what, in those politically incorrect days, was called “Asian flu”. I had an unpleasant week or so. In London alone, almost one-in-two schoolchildren caught the bug. Mercifully, most of us were not among the 2 to 4 million worldwide who died in the 1956-58 outbreak. It was a relatively modest toll compared to the “Spanish flu”...
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Greenblatt: Palestinians' aspirations are not rights

The Jerusalem Post By Lahav Harkov February 13, 2020 Greenblatt to continue work on ties between Israel and Gulf States. US President Donald Trump’s former representative for international organizations Jason Greenblatt may have left his White House job in September, but he’s not leaving his work in the region, he told The Jerusalem Post at the sidelines of the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit in Jerusalem on Thursday. “I have been very inspired by the region,” Greenblatt said. “We are at a historical...
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Jews must set an example in resisting coronavirus anti-Chinese racism

The Jerusalem Post By Marc Schneier February 13, 2020 As a Jew, the upsurge of anti-Chinese bigotry triggered by the coronavirus brings back painful memories of medieval Europeans blaming Jews for the spread of the Black Death. Fear of the supposed “Yellow Peril” is back big time. The rapid spread of the coronavirus from its point of origin in Wuhan, China, where the first confirmed case was documented on December 31, to more than a dozen countries around the world has understandably sparked concern...
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Netanyahu meetings with Saudis, Gulf leaders won’t happen before election

The Jerusalem Post By Lahav Harkov February 11, 2020 “There’s a regional balance of power,” Rabbi Marc Schneier explained. “In order to affect a real change, the Saudis would need to meet with the Israeli prime minister.” Meetings between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman or leaders of other Gulf States will not take place before the March 2 election in Israel, Rabbi Marc Schneier told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. These leaders are considering a...
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Noticias de Israel

Las reuniones de Netanyahu con los líderes del Golfo no sucederán antes de las elecciones

Noticias de Israel February 11, 2020 Las reuniones entre el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu y el príncipe heredero saudí Mohammad Bin Salman o los líderes de otros Estados del Golfo no tendrán lugar antes de las elecciones del 2 de marzo en Israel, dijo el rabino Marc Schneier a The Jerusalem Post el martes. Estos líderes están considerando una cumbre con Netanyahu, pero “quieren esperar hasta que las elecciones terminen”, dijo Schneier. Schneier, presidente de la organización de diálogo interreligioso...
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Black Star News By Judy Kuriansky February 10, 2020 Pervasive violence. Devastating climate change. Religious and racial intolerance. Deadly epidemics. These themes threatening our world today were taken on by a panel of faith leaders, experts and high-level officials at a commemoration of an event during World Interfaith Harmony Week celebrated annually in early February at the United Nations. Entitled “The State of the World Today from a Religious and Spiritual Perspective,” and held at a UN...
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The Gulf States’ Changing Attitudes towards Judaism: A Cultural Revolution in the Making

London School of Economics Middle East Center By Adam Hoffman and Dr Moran Zaga February 10, 2020 Dr Muhammad al-Issa’s unprecedented visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp on 23 January 2020, the 75th anniversary of its liberation, marked a peak in a process of interfaith momentum that has been recently evident in the Muslim world, and more specifically in the Gulf. As Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, Al-Issa is the most senior Islamic leader to visit Auschwitz. In one of the statements...
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WATCH: Arab countries, led by Gulf States, moving closer to Israel

World Israel News February 9, 2020 The Gulf States are leading the way toward a rapprochement with the Jewish State, i24NEWS reports. Click here to watch.
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Jüdisch-muslimische Begegnung in Auschwitz By Christoph Strack January 21, 2020 Bislang besuchten nur wenige Muslime die KZ-Gedenkstätte Auschwitz-Birkenau. Nun reisen hochrangige Vertreter von Muslimen und Juden gemeinsam an den Ort des Grauens. Es ist die Geschichte einer persönlichen Annäherung. “Da steht ein Kerl namens Mustafa, groß wie ein Schrank, vor einem riesengroßen Berg an Kinderschuhen. Und jeder dieser Kinderschuhe gehörte mal zu Kinderfüßen. Und plötzlich merke ich: Bei Mustafa tut sich was.” Raed Saleh...
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