In the News

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UAE flies first commercial flight to Israel

Rabbi Marc Schneier spoke with the United Kingdom’s The Independent about the historic Etihad Airways flight from the United Arab Emirates to Israel this week and shared that there are now four Gulf states which have some involvement with Israel, including Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and now the UAE.
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Qatar Airways includes Israelis in perks for medical workers

In response to Rabbi Marc Schneier's friend and CEO of Qatar Airways Akbar Al Baker making a significant statement on CNN saying that Israel medical professions can get some of the 100,000 free flight tickets that the airline will be distributing to healthcare professions, Rabbi Schneier spoke to The Jerusalem Post / about how this pandemic is an opportunity for cooperation between the Gulf and Israel.
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Times of Israel

Three of six Gulf states reach out to Israel for help with pandemic

Rabbi Marc Schneier shared how three of the Gulf states (representing 50% of the GCC) are now engaged in one way or another with Israel’s health system.
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Three Gulf states seek partnership with Israel to fight coronavirus

In the front page headline story of The Jerusalem Post, Rabbi Marc Schneier described how leaders in the Gulf have expressed that with their resources and wealth, and Israel's technology and scientific innovations, together a vaccine and cure can be created for the Middle East and the world.
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Coronavirus. Tres Estados Del Golfo Buscan Asociarse Con Israel Para Combatir El Covid-19

Rabbi Marc Schneier shared with Iton Gadol, the Jewish news website for the Argentinian Jewish community, how more than 50% of the Gulf states are interested in partnering with Israel on a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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arab News

A Ramadan TV show, hosted by a rabbi, is cementing Jewish-Muslim ties

Arab News, an English-language daily newspaper published in Saudi Arabia, covered FFEU's groundbreaking new social media series for Ramadan, "30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days," along with other international media outlets.
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USA today

With coronavirus, Abrahamic faith practices must change. Here's why | Opinion

In Rabbi Marc Schneier's op-ed in USA Today, he wrote about how the advent of the Coronavirus has compelled the three Abrahamic faiths — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — to rethink how to maintain their ability to come together to express their beliefs and practice their religious rituals.
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Minacce a sicurezza ed economia riavvicinano Israele e i Paesi del Golfo

Sputnik (Italian) March 11, 2020 Sembra che i Paesi del Golfo, tradizionalmente ostili a Israele, si stiano riavvicinando Tel Aviv, secondo il rabbino Marc Schneier, consigliere del Re del Bahrein. Tuttavia, non sarà possibile instaurare relazioni diplomatiche solide fino a quando la questione palestinese non sarà risolta. Alla luce dei risultati della terza tornata di elezioni di Israele, il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, che ha tenuto un discorso poco dopo l’annuncio dei primi risultati,...
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Security, Economic Threats to Thaw the Ice Between Gulf and Israel - Advisor to Bahraini Monarch

Sputnik March 4, 2020 Gulf nations that have traditionally been hostile to Israel now appear to be getting closer to Tel Aviv, believes Rabbi Marc Schneier, an advisor to the King of Bahrain. But full diplomatic relations are not yet possible as long as the Palestinian issue remains unresolved. While the official results of Israel’s third general polls have yet to be announced, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who gave a victory speech shortly after the first results started coming in, promised...
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Rabbi in Saudi Royal Palace

The Micah Report By Micah Halpern Tuesday February 25, 2020 I’ve Been Thinking: Times are changing. I’ve said it before and I know I’ll be saying it again – and again. An Israeli rabbi was invited, as part of a group of interfaith leaders, to meet the King of Saudi Arabia in his palace. Rabbi David Rosen spent 2 1/2 days in Saudi Arabia. The group is called the King Abdullah International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue. Rabbi Rosen is a member of the...
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