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Die Presse Logo

„Bahrain geht als nächstes Land auf Israel zu“

Die Presse August 19, 2020 Rabbi Marc Schneier berät Entscheidungsträger in den Golfstaaten. Er geht davon aus, dass Israels Deal mit den Emiraten einen Dominoeffekt auslöst. Die Abwanderung des Abdullah-Zentrums aus Österreich sieht er als Verlust für Wien. Die Presse: Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate erkennen als erster Golfstaat Israel an. Wie war das möglich? Marc Schneier: Ohne Spannungen gibt es keine Deals. Es gab drei wichtige Faktoren, die diese Spannungen verursacht und schließlich das...
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El Mundo Logo

El rabino Marc Schneier: "Uno o dos países del Golfo Pérsico seguirán el camino de Emiratos Árabes Unidos y pactarán con Israel"

EL MUNDO August 18, 2020 Mientras que su padre, Arthur Schneier, abonó el terreno para el diálogo entre judíos y cristianos, su hijo decidió superarlo acometiendo un desafío aún más difícil: acercar a judíos y musulmanes, ejerciendo de asesor de múltiples líderes árabes. Tras el anuncio de la normalización de las relaciones entre Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) e Israel que estos días disfrutan de una luna de miel incluso antes de la firma en la Casa Blanca, el Rabino Marc Schneier se muestra igual...
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Yahoo Berita Logo

Saudi bungkam soal kesepakatan Israel tapi hubungan rahasia jadi focus

Yahoo! Berita August 17, 2020 Riyadh (AFP) – Keputusan UEA menormalisasi hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel bisa mendorong Arab Saudi memperdalam hubungan diam-diam dengan negara Yahudi itu karena Riyadh berupaya menarik investasi guna mendanai sebuah transformasi ekonomi yang ambisius, kata para analis. Uni Emirat Arab pada Kamis menjadi negara Teluk pertama yang menormalisasi hubungan dengan Israel, dalam perjanjian bersejarah yang ditengahi AS yang menaikkan kemungkinan kesepakatan serupa...
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Entorno Inteligente August 17, 2020 Riad. La decisión de Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) de normalizar las relaciones con Israel podría llevar a Arabia Saudí a profundizar sus furtivas relaciones con el Estado hebreo ahora que Riad busca captar inversiones para financiar su ambiciosa transformación económica, prevén los analistas. Emiratos Árabes Unidos se convirtió el jueves en el primer país del golfo Pérsico en normalizar las relaciones con Israel, tras un histórico acuerdo promovido por Estados...
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The Times of India Logo

Saudi silent over Israel deal but covert ties under focus

Times of India August 17, 2020 RIYADH: The UAE’s decision to normalise ties with Israel could propel Saudi Arabia to deepen its furtive relations with the Jewish state as Riyadh seeks to entice investments to fund an ambitious economic transformation, analysts say. The United Arab Emirates on Thursday became the first Gulf state to normalise relations with Israel, in a historic US-brokered accord that raised the prospect of similar deals with other Arab states. Saudi Arabia, the Arab world’s...
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The National Logo

Abraham Accord: Many Israeli tourists waiting to visit UAE, leading rabbi says

The National August 16, 2020 Marc Schneier, an authority on Muslim-Jewish relations, predicted widespread interest in visiting the Emirates Regular flights would bring many tourists to the UAE following the country’s historic decision to normalise ties with Israel, said a Rabbi who is an expert in Muslim-Jewish relations. The historic Abraham Accord was announced on Thursday after a phone call between US President Donald Trump, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme...
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Saudi silent over Israel deal but covert ties under focus

Agence France-Presse August 16, 2020 The UAE’s decision to normalise ties with Israel could propel Saudi Arabia to deepen its furtive relations with the Jewish state as Riyadh seeks to entice investments to fund an ambitious economic transformation, analysts say. The United Arab Emirates on Thursday became the first Gulf state to normalise relations with Israel, in a historic US-brokered accord that raised the prospect of similar deals with other Arab states. Saudi Arabia, the Arab world’s...
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Kleine Zeitung Logo

Annäherung in Nahost |Ein mutiger Schritt, historisch auch, aber vor allem logisch

Kleine Zeitung August 15, 2020 Als der New Yorker Rabbi Marc Schneier vor einem Jahr im Gespräch mit der Kleinen Zeitung von einer diplomatischen Annäherung Israels mit den Golfstaaten sprach, klang das fast zu kühn, um es zu glauben. Doch der „Eisbrecher vom Golf“ ist einer der wichtigsten Wegbereiter für die Annäherung. Schneiers Aussage war nicht prophetisch, sondern realistisch, wie sich nun zeigt. Dabei ist der Schritt nur logisch. Die Golfstaaten führen seit Jahren schon eine Art Geheimwirtschaft....
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Was COVID-19 a catalyst for Israel-UAE peace?

The Jerusalem Post By: Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman August 15, 2020 “I’ve heard this repeatedly from my friends in the Gulf: COVID-19 is a real opportunity for joint cooperation,” Rabbi Marc Schneier said. Workers wear masks during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates April 23, 2020(photo credit: REUTERS) The COVID-19 global pandemic has infected more than 21 million people and killed at least over 750,000. But did it help heal the Middle East? “The Gulf and Israel...
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Azerbaijan to UAE: Four ways you will benefit from peace with Israel

The Jerusalem Post By: Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman August 15, 2020 Analysis: This is the first Mideast peace treaty in 26 years, but it is not unprecedented for a Muslim-majority country and Israel to enjoy strategic ties. Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed’s decision to normalize ties with Israel was well calculated – a move that was made with the understanding that the technology, geopolitical and religious rewards would far outweigh any risks. This is the first Mideast peace treaty in 26 years,...
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