In the News


Was COVID-19 a catalyst for Israel-UAE peace?

The Jerusalem Post By: Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman August 15, 2020 “I’ve heard this repeatedly from my friends in the Gulf: COVID-19 is a real opportunity for joint cooperation,” Rabbi Marc Schneier said. Workers wear masks during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates April 23, 2020(photo credit: REUTERS) The COVID-19 global pandemic has infected more than 21 million people and killed at least over 750,000. But did it help heal the Middle East? “The Gulf and Israel...
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Azerbaijan to UAE: Four ways you will benefit from peace with Israel

The Jerusalem Post By: Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman August 15, 2020 Analysis: This is the first Mideast peace treaty in 26 years, but it is not unprecedented for a Muslim-majority country and Israel to enjoy strategic ties. Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed’s decision to normalize ties with Israel was well calculated – a move that was made with the understanding that the technology, geopolitical and religious rewards would far outweigh any risks. This is the first Mideast peace treaty in 26 years,...
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El rabino Schneier prevé un nuevo acuerdo con otro país del Golfo en 2020

EFE August 15, 2020 ISRAEL EMIRATOS Jerusalén (EFE).- El rabino Marc Schneier, estadounidense judío y uno de los más relevantes mediadores entre Israel y los países del Golfo Pérsico, vive con orgullo y emoción el anuncio de establecimiento de relaciones entre Israel y Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) y en entrevista con Efe no duda al afirmar de que antes de que acabe el año hará lo mismo al menos otro país árabe. Contactado telefónicamente, el religioso, de la sinagoga del privilegiado enclave de...
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"עיתונאי סעודי: "ההסכם בין איחוד האמירויות לישראל – פריצת דרך

Israel Hayom August 15, 2020 Click here to read the original article.
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הסכם הנורמליזציה: טורקיה מאיימת בניתוק היחסים עם איחוד האמירויות

KAN August 14, 2020 Click here to read the original article.
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arab News

The UAE and Israel agreement is only the tip of the iceberg

Rabbi Marc Schneier is the 1st Jewish leader to write an op-ed for Arab News (a top English-language daily newspaper in Saudi Arabia) about the UAE-Israel historic announcement.
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Semanario Hebreo

Los Emiratos quieren que Israel los proteja de Irán

Rabbi Marc Schneier was interviewed by Semanario Hebreo (the Jewish newspaper in Uruguay) why this was the ideal time for the UAE & Israel to establish relations and he shared the following 3 reasons: 1) COVID-19 2) annexation and 3) Iran.
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Netanyahu Hails Historic Peace with UAE as New Era of Peace

In FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier's interview with The Christian Broadcasting Network about yesterday's historic announcement, he shared that he feel very strongly that we will see other Gulf States entering into a similar peace pact with the State of Israel.
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Jüdische Verbände begrüßen Deal zwischen Israel und den Arabischen Emiraten

Judische Allgemeine By Michael Thaidigsmann August 14, 2020 Die Ankündigung am Donnerstagabend, dass Israel und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate offizielle Beziehungen aufnehmen und auch wirtschaftlich eng kooperieren wollen, ist von jüdischen Verbänden weltweit begrüßt worden. Der Geschäftsführer des American Jewish Committee, David Harris, sprach von einem »mitreißendem Moment«, dessen Bedeutung für die ganze Region nicht genug betont werden könne. Der Chef der amerikanischen Anti-Defamation...
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Eight moments that led to the UAE’s agreement with Israel

Al Arabiya August 14, 2020 On Thursday the UAE and Israel announced a historic peace deal to normalize relations between the countries, in exchange for the Israeli government halting its annexation of Palestinian land. The bilateral agreements set to be signed address a wide range of topics such as direct flights, telecommunications, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and healthcare. Here is a timeline of the major events that paved the way to diplomatic relations: November 2018: Israeli...
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