In the News

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Face à Israël, le rapprochement ambigu de Riyad

Le Monde September 14, 2020 L’Arabie saoudite approuve la reconnaissance par Bahreïn de l’Etat hébreu, sans lui emboîter le pas. Le prince héritier de Bahreïn, Salman ben Hamad Al-Khalifa, et le haut conseiller du président américain Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, à Manama (Bahreïn), le 1er septembre. BAHRAIN NEW AGENCY / VIA REUTERS C’est le trophée que Benyamin Nétanyahou rêve de décrocher. Si les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) et Bahreïn ont offert une belle victoire politique au premier ministre israélien...
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Netanyahu Lands in US to Sign Historic Peace Deals with Bahrain, UAE

Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) By: Julie Stahl September 14, 2020 JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in the US Monday to attend Tuesday’s signing of Israel’s historic peace agreement with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. “We now have two historic peace agreements, with two Arab countries, which were established in one month. I am certain that we all welcome the new era. We are at the threshold of a new era,” Netanyahu said before leaving for the US on Sunday....
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יועץ מלך בחריין לענייני יהודים: ''יש מומנטום להכרה בישראל במפרץ''

GLZ September 13, 2020 FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier was interviewed by Efi Triger in GLZ Radio for Good Morning Israel. Click here to listen to the original interview.
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Bahrain deal spotlights Saudi's stealth normalisation with Israel

Agence France-Presse September 12, 2020 Bahrain’s move to formally establish relations with Israel could not have happened without Saudi Arabia’s green light, another step in what observers call Riyadh’s “alternative normalisation” of ties with the Jewish state. Bahrain on Friday became Saudi Arabia’s second Gulf ally to announce plans to formalise relations with Israel over the past month, after the United Arab Emirates’ landmark agreement. The move put...
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Times of Israel

Rabbi with ties to Bahraini king: There’s ‘momentum’ in Gulf for peace with Israel

Times of Israel September 12, 2020 A New York rabbi with ties to Bahrain’s king says there’s “momentum” among Gulf states states to establish relations with Israel, after Manama followed Abu Dhabi in agreeing to normalization with Jerusalem. “In the Gulf there’s momentum for peace with Israel. It’s a matter of when with Oman and also with Saudi Arabia. [Saudi Crown Prince] Mohammed Bin Salman and his brothers said they can’t establish themselves as a power without Israel,” Rabbi Marc Schneier tells...
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Globes Logo

בחריין הפלסטינים והאיראנים זועמים, במצרים מברכים: כך הגיב העולם הערבי להסכם עם בחריין

Globes September 12, 2020 Click here to read the original article.
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Years in the making: Bahrain and Israel establish relations

The Jerusalem Post By Rabbi Marc Schneier September 12, 2020 In the last few years, Bahrain’s former foreign minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa tweeted his support for Israel’s military operation to expose and destroy Hezbollah’s cross-border tunnels. I’ve enjoyed a close relationship with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain for more than a decade and I am honored to have been the first rabbi in the royal palace when he invited me back in 2011. In our various conversations as well...
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247 News Logo

Bahrain-Israel embarks on a new era of co-operation, development

24/7 News September 11, 2020 Manama: The establishment of diplomatic ties between the Kingdom of Bahrain and Israel will open a new era of cooperation in social, economic and cultural sectors. “Mazel Tov and Mabrouk to Israel and Bahrain on this historic announcement on establishing diplomatic relations. Throughout my close relationship with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain for more than a decade, this is something we have discussed many times and I have heard him talk repeatedly about...
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Baltimore Jewish Life

Statement From Rabbi Marc Schneier Regarding Bahrain and Israel Announcing That They Will Establish Diplomatic Relations

Baltimore Jewish Life September 11, 2020 “Mazel Tov and Mabrouk to Israel and Bahrain on this historic announcement on establishing diplomatic relations. Throughout my close relationship with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain for more than a decade, this is something we have discussed many times and I have heard him talk repeatedly about his overriding interest and genuine desire to see the establishment of relations between his kingdom and Israel. Today, his dream became a reality. Since...
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Trump announces Bahrain-Israel normalization of ties

Al Arabiya English By: Ismaeel Naar September 11, 2020 Bahrain has joined the United Arab Emirates in striking an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, President Donald Trump said on Friday, a dramatic move aimed at easing tensions in the Middle East. Trump tweeted out the news after he spoke by phone to both Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House said. Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a historic peace deal on August...
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