Our Mission

The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (the “Foundation”) is a national non-profit, 501(c)(3), dedicated to strengthening relations between ethnic communities. The Foundation was formed to promote understanding and cooperation between and among ethnic groups and to reduce tensions among diverse racial and ethnic communities. The Foundation is committed to the belief that direct, face-to-face dialogue between ethnic communities is the most effective path towards the reduction of bigotry and the promotion of reconciliation and understanding. FFEU uses a range of instruments: sometimes interfaith diplomacy, at other times advocacy activities, such as producing research, surveys, and campaigns.

The Foundation’s programs include:

Muslim-Jewish Relations

The Foundation has outlined several objectives for this initiative including intensive relationship building with the major Muslim organizations and a network of Imams and Rabbis across the globe.

Muslim-Jewish Relations

The Foundation has outlined several objectives for this initiative including intensive relationship building with the major Muslim organizations and a network of Imams and Rabbis across the globe.

Black-Jewish Relations

The Foundation builds solidarity between the Black and Jewish communities to repair divisions and erosions of trust. Through educational initiatives and the promotion of public dialogue, the Foundation encourages people to speak out against all forms of racism and bigotry.

Evangelical-Muslim Relations

The Foundation facilitates dialogue and understanding between American Evangelical Christian leaders and Muslim leaders from the United States and around the world. The aim of this initiative is to strengthen Evangelical-Muslim relations by combating falsehoods and negative stereotypes while promoting better interactions between both communities.

Season of Twinning

The Foundation convenes this annual event which brings together thousands of Muslims and Jews in scores of cities in more than 30 countries, usually in November or December. Mosques and Synagogues, Muslim and Jewish student groups, young leadership bodies and women’s organizations ‘twin’ with each other in cities around the world to hold events focused on celebrating commonalities between the two faith traditions. Together, they show their support in combatting Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism by performing acts of social service together in recognition of the common moral imperative in both Islam and Judaism to help those in need.

The Foundation coordinates and facilitates many such events. Participation in the Season of Twinning allows grassroots Jewish and Muslim organizations around the world to meet, learn from each other, and form personal friendships.