In first, rabbi to lead Sunday’s New York City Muslim Day Parade

September 2, 2017

Times of Israel

Organizers choose Marc Schneier as honorary grand marshal to mark his pioneering work in interfaith relations

A rabbi will lead this year’s annual Muslim Day Parade in New York City.

Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president and founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding will serve as honorary grand marshal of the parade, which will take place on Sunday.

Schneier was chosen in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of Muslim-Jewish relations in the United States and around the world, according to organizers.

It is the first time in the parade’s 32-year history that a Jewish leader has been chosen to lead the Muslim Day Parade. This year’s parade is dedicated to the plight of the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim people facing violence in Myanmar.

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“This year’s parade is more important than ever before due to the climate we live in. Racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate are on the rise in our country,” Imam Shamsi Ali, president of the Muslim Foundation of America and parade organizer, said in a statement.

/Users/ariellasteinreich/Desktop/Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 8.00.16 AM.pngOf Schneier, Ali said: “Having pioneered the field of Muslim-Jewish relations over a decade ago, he has demonstrated his dedication and devotion to the American Muslim community.”

The annual Muslim Day Parade is organized by the Muslim Foundation of America in order to bring together Muslims of various ethnic backgrounds to share their cultures and traditions and to express themselves as an integral part of New York City.

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