Interfaith group sends King memorial prayer to synagogues

January 17, 2013

Jewish Telegraphic Agency
By Gil Shefler

NEW YORK (JTA) — An interfaith group distributed a specially composed memorial prayer for the Rev. Martin Luther King to U.S. synagogues.

The prayer sent out by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding honoring King is to be recited on Jan. 19, the Sabbath before the federal holiday two days later honoring the slain civil rights activist.

“Grant us the wisdom to truly understand that all of humanity is created equally in Your image so that ‘an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’ ” the text reads. “Open our hearts to stand with the oppressed and persecuted around the world just as Dr. King fought for Jews chained by the shackles of the Soviet Union and spoke out for the legitimacy and security of the State of Israel.”

The prayer was distributed in cooperation with UJA-Federation of New York and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York.

Rabbi Marc Schneier, the foundation’s president, will hold a joint commemoration of King at the New Synagogue in Palm Beach, Fla., with the Rev. Gerald Kisner and his congregation from the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, as well as the church’s choir.

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