FFEU and N. Nazarbayev Center leaderships sign MoU to promote interfaith ideals of VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions

February 2, 2023

Rabbi Schneier met with H.E. Bulat Sarsenbayev, Chairman of the Board of the N. Nazarbayev Center for Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilizational Dialogue at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington D.C. for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between FFEU and the N. Nazarbayev Center. They were joined by FFEU Executive Director Chris Sacarabany and N. Nazarbayev Center Senior Consultant Kanat Jumabekov. FFEU will continue to be in the leadership of and at the forefront in promoting the ideals of coexistence and cooperation as championed by faith leaders including Pope Francis at the VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions.