Rabbi Marc Schneier facilitated Turkish President Erdogan and Israeli President Herzog’s historic meeting

March 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier in cooperation with the Turkish Ambassador to the United States H.E. Murat Mercan facilitated the historic Ankara meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

This first step to an Israel-Turkey rapprochement marked the first visit of an Israeli leader for the past 14 years to Turkey.

During his visit in Ankara, Rabbi Schneier discussed Israel-Turkey and US-Turkey relations with H.E. Mevlut Cavosuglu, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs and also with the Hon. Jeffry Flake, Ambassador of the United States to Turkey.

In addition, Rabbi Schneier joined President Herzog and his wife Michal at the Turkish Jewish museum in Istanbul following the ceremonial service at Neve Shalom Synagogue, that was also the scene of the deadly 1986 terror attack in which 22 people where killed and bombings in 1992 and in 2003.