Archive: June 2019

Bahrain bets conference spurs Mideast peace despite absence of Israelis and Palestinians

Posted on June 25, 2019

The Washington Examiner By Rob Crilly June 25, 2019 A U.S.-backed workshop to kick-start Israeli-Palestinian talks with a $50 billion investment is a first step to Middle East peace despite the absence of government figures from either side, according to an adviser to the king of Bahrain. The “Prosperity to Peace” meeting in the tiny Continue Reading »

Special Advisor Rabbi to King of Bahrain: ‘Historic opportunity’

Posted on June 25, 2019

Arutz Sheva By Yoni Kempinski June 25, 2019 Rabbi Marc Schneier: ‘We are living in extraordinary times, that this conference is now taking place.’ Special Advisor to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain Rabbi Marc Schneier, President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, spoke to Arutz Sheva from the Peace to Prosperity Workshop Continue Reading »

Trump to unveil long-awaited peace plan at summit Israelis and Palestinians will not attend

Posted on June 25, 2019

The Independent By Bel Trew June 25, 2019 Analysis: Controversy has marred a two-day economic workshop in Bahrain which the US hopes will ‘jump start’ Palestinian economy and build peace in region No Israeli or Palestinian officials will be present when Donald Trump launches his long-awaited and much-touted peace plan for the region. The second Continue Reading »

A Bahreïn, Kushner exhorte les Palestiniens à saisir « l’occasion du siècle »

Posted on June 25, 2019

Actualite Israel / Times of Israel (French) By Raphael Ahren June 25, 2019 Donnant le coup d’envoi du sommet de Manama, le gendre de Trump a assuré que le progrès économique est un prérequis pour la paix, que Washington n’a pas abandonné les Palestiniens MANAMA, Bahreïn — Donnant le coup d’envoi de la conférence internationale Continue Reading »

Bahrain remains committed to Palestinians, rabbi with ties to king says

Posted on June 25, 2019

The Times of Israel By Raphael Ahren June 25, 2019 Marc Schneier, a member of the kingdom’s delegation to the US-led workshop, says Manama and Jerusalem may normalize relations by the end of 2019, but only if there’s a peace deal MANAMA, Bahrain — The kingdom of Bahrain remains fully committed to efforts to improve Continue Reading »

בית כנסת בלב המפרץ: ביקור נדיר בקהילה היהודית בבירת בחריין

Posted on June 25, 2019

Channel 13 By Barak Ravid June 25, 2019 בלב השוק באל-מנאמה מצוי בית התפילה העתיק, שמשמש את 40 חברי הקהילה בחגים ובאירועים מיוחדים. באופן חריג נפתח המקום עבור העיתונאים שהגיעו לוועידה הכלכלית • שליח חדשות 13 מדווח מבחריין בלב השוק בבירה אל-מנאמה נמצא בית הכנסת העתיק של בחריין. בבחריין יש קהילה יהודית עתיקה מהמאה השביעית Continue Reading »

US pushes Palestinian economic plan amid doubts, hostility

Posted on June 24, 2019

The Associated Press By Matthew Lee June 24, 2019 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries, the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians and hopes it will drive a much-anticipated but unseen Mideast peace plan. The Continue Reading »

US pushes Palestinian economic plan amid doubts, hostility

Posted on June 24, 2019

The Washington Post By Matthew Lee June 24, 2019 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries, the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians and hopes it will drive a much-anticipated but unseen Mideast peace plan. The Continue Reading »

US pushes Palestinian economic plan amid doubts, hostility

Posted on June 24, 2019

Business Insider By Matthew Lee June 24, 2019 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries, the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians and hopes it will drive a much-anticipated but unseen Mideast peace plan. The United Continue Reading »

US pushes Palestinian economic plan amid doubts, hostility

Posted on June 24, 2019

Los Angeles Times By Matthew Lee June 24, 2019 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries, the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians and hopes it will drive a much-anticipated but unseen Mideast peace plan. The Continue Reading »

US will present Palestinian economic plan amid global criticism

Posted on June 24, 2019

The Boston Globe By Matthew Lee June 24, 2019 MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries, the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians and hopes it will drive a much-anticipated but unseen Mideast peace plan. The Continue Reading »