Baku hosts international conference titled “From Interreligious and Inter-civilization Dialogue to Cooperation”

March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019

An international conference entitled “From Interreligious and Inter-civilization Dialogue to Cooperation” co-organized by the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus Muslims Office has started in Baku.

The event brought together the government officials, heads of the religious communities and foreign guests.

Addressing the event, chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mubariz Gurbanli highlighted the state-religion relations. He hailed the numerous local and international events jointly organized with the Caucasus Muslim Office.

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade noted that Azerbaijan always attaches great importance to national and human values. “The government supports national and religious tolerance. The ethnic and religious diversity are the country`s national property,” Pashazade said.

President of the US-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding Marc Schneier said that Azerbaijan can serve as an example for all states for interreligious and interconfessional relations. He underlined that the President of Azerbaijan makes every effort to maintain these ties.

Head of the Department of Interethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Religious Affairs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Etibar Najafov and Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova also addressed the event.

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