Trailblazing Rabbi Discusses Relationship with Entertainment Mogul Russell Simmons

November 15, 2017

FOX News Radio

November 15, 2017

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The Founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding Rabbi Marc Schneier stopped by to spend “A Few Moments With” FOX News’ Crystal Berger to discuss how to improve relationships between members of different ethnicities. A trailblazer in the field of Muslim-Jewish relations, Rabbi Schneier shares how he and entertainment mogul Russell Simmons have partnered to rebuild the historic alliance between Jews and African Americans; while combating the religious divided amongst followers of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Rabbi Schneier is the author of the Sons of Abraham: A Candid Conversation about the Issues That Divide and Unite Jews and Muslims and Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Jewish Community. His inspirational and educational approach to ethnic relations has earned him the accolades of being named one of the 50 Most Prominent Jews in the United States by The Forward and one of America’s Top 50 Rabbis by Newsweek Magazine.

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Follow Russell Simmons on Twitter: @UncleRUSH
Like the Rabbi’s Facebook page: Rabbi M Schneier

(Jason: can you please link the image above to the link for the segment – see below)

Listen to Segment Here