Chelsea Clinton attends Muslim Solidarity Rally in NYC

February 19, 2017

The Hill
By Jennifer Calfas

Chelsea Clinton attended an anti-Trump rally in New York City on Sunday to show solidarity with the Muslim community.

Clinton, the daughter of President Trump’s Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, attended the rally in Times Square in New York City.

She wrote on Twitter that the event was the first protest for her daughter Charlotte, age 2.

“Thank you to all who organized #IAmMuslimToo today – Charlotte’s 1st protest rally. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids,” Clinton tweeted.


Hundreds of protesters gathered for the rally Sunday.

The event featured speakers including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; mogul Russel Simmons, a former friend of Trump; actress Susan Sarandon; and several prominent activists.

“We are here today to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intention, that they have been misled,” Simmons told the crowd. “We are here unified because of Donald Trump. We want to thank him for bringing us together.”

The rally comes after Trump signed an executive order temporarily barring visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. The order also puts a temporary halt on the acceptance of refugees and an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees. A federal judge issued a nationwide restraining order on the executive order while a lawsuit proceeds.

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