Chelsea Clinton and Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Join “Today, I Am A Muslim Too” Solidarity Protest in NYC

February 20, 2017

By Kelsey Lafferty

It’s been another weekend of protests, with crowds rallying across the U.S. in solidarity with Muslims and protesting Trump’s immigration and refugee policies, including the executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. And in New York City, where 1,000 people gathered Sunday afternoon in Times Square for the “Today, I Am A Muslim Too” protest, a famous face (and a smaller one) could be seen: In the crowd was Chelsea Clinton with her two-year-old daughter, Charlotte, in tow. Hey, it’s never too early to start exercising your First Amendment rights.

New Yorkers of various backgrounds and faiths turned out for the peaceful rally, which was coordinated by several organizations, including the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and the Jamaica Muslim Center.

Although the travel ban has been halted by courts, the Justice Department has hinted that a replacement executive order, revised with the goal of working around the constitutional concerns of the first, is in the works. For organizers of the protest, the wider message was one of solidarity and a protest against the Trump Administration’s broader targeting of Muslim Americans.

Clinton, who many speculate might be considering a run for office, tweeted a picture from the rally: “Thank you to all who organized #IAmMuslimToo today – Charlotte’s 1st protest rally. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids.”


We love that Charlotte was out there with her mama and continuing her political education. After all, as her grandmother, a certain Hillary Clinton, famously declared, the “future is female.”

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