Gramercy Gathering Promotes Cultural, Religious Understanding

November 23, 2015


Members of the city’s Jewish and Muslim communities came together over the weekend in a show of solidarity against extremism and bigotry.

They gathered Sunday at the Brotherhood Synagogue in Gramercy.

The annual event is sponsored by the nonprofit “Foundation for Ethnic Understanding”.

“Brotherhood is still the hope of the world and it is the hope of brotherly cooperation that has brought us here together,” said Rabbi Daniel Alder of Brotherhood Synagogue.

“Jews and Muslims, together we are all impacted by the forces of extremism, fanaticism,” said Rabbi Marc Schneier, President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

“We are all Paris. We are all American. We are all Western. We are all this world. And anyone being victimized, we all become victims of that,” said Imam Shamsi Ali of the Jamaica Muslim Center and Nusantara Foundation.

The day began with a food drive, where organizers packed food for the city’s homeless.

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