Mayor David N. Dinkins Weighs In On Knockout Game

December 9, 2013

Joins Civil Rights Leaders Rev. Sharpton, Marc Morial With Russell Simmons And Rabbi Marc Schneier To Condemn The Knockout Game And The Targeting Of Jews Or Anyone

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Former Mayor of New York, David N. Dinkins, joined Reverend Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network, and Marc H. Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, hip-hop legend Russell Simmons and Jewish leader Rabbi Marc Schneier, Chairman and President, respectively, of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, in speaking out on knockout game violence and the targeting of Jews.

“NY is a gorgeous mosaic of diversity and vibrant culture. It is important that everyone treat each other with respect as we all live together and navigate this great city together.  I join my friends, Rev. Sharpton, Russell Simmons, Marc Morial, and Rabbi Marc Schneier in saying “No to K.O.” Say no to the targeting of Jews or anyone else for this senseless violence.”

Rabbi Marc Schneier thanked Mayor Dinkins for lending his voice: “We are proud that he has chosen to join our coalition of leaders speaking out against the targeting of Jews through this senseless violence.”

Rev. Sharpton, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Morial, Mayor Dinkins, and Rabbi Schneier have each recorded messages of solidarity with the Jewish community and all victims of this outbreak in violence and are encouraging people to join them through social media by spreading the following message:

End the #knockoutgame

#sayNO2KOjoin the @FFEUny to end the violence and bigotry. Knockout #gameover and a link to each video.

The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding: Founded in 1989, the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding has become the national address for Black-Jewish relations and the international address for Muslim-Jewish relations. For more on the Foundation, visit